Taking My Own Graduation Pictures at Middle Tennessee State University.
I attended Middle Tennessee State University during 2019-2021. During this time, I maintained a 4.0 GPA, was active in many clubs, and completes an undergraduate thesis. I loved MTSU and I am a firm believer in the suspicions that if you do not walk on the MTSU seal in front of the library then you WILL graduate and touching the horseshoe before an exam.
Back to photography, I wanted to take some last-minute pictures for my upcoming graduation. I did not want to pay someone for a skill I know I have, so I asked my mother to help snap the pictures while I do something I am normally terrified to do, model. It took some helpful tips, which I will share with you all, and a little time to look at the pictures and adjust accordingly. The tips are super simple, but they will elevate your pictures to the next level. Tip 1, keep the subject in the center. This is where the rule of thirds come in. One has to picture that the screen has three sections both horizontal and vertical. You want to try to keep the subject in the middle. There are plenty of cases where pictures look awesome not using this golden rule, but to keep it simple, this is a great rule to follow. Tip 2, hold the camera level. This is pretty self-explanatory. It is hard to edit pictures what are crooked. My rule of thumb is to try to level the photo with the subject eyes. Tip 3, live in the moment. Since I am now in my last few semesters of my masters, I would love nothing more to go back in this moment and really realize that I had accomplished something great! I am a first-generation college student and having my mom take my pictures was such a sweet and humbling moment. My accomplishment was also her accomplishment too. It was a mother/ daughter moment I will never forget.
For more photography tips and location suggestions please follow me on my socials and keep checking back to the blog! If you know someone graduating either high school or college, please send them my way. I would love to work with you all! Bye you guys!