Hey, I’m Haley

My name is Haley Brazel and I created Haley Brazel Photography. Born and raised in Westmoreland, Tennessee. With over 4 years of photography experience, being able to capture moments that families will look back on brings me so much pride! I have turned something I love into a small business. I recently graduated with my Masters degree and currently am working as the Media Manager for the City of Portland. Let me capture some of your greatest life’s milestones! I have experience shooting senior portraits, couples, prom, seasonal shoots, and weddings. Head over to my Facebook and Instagram for more photos and special offers!

** Fun Fact- Every college graduation, I take my mother to my school and hand her my camera with the settings how I like them. I then pose and tell her to snap! It is my favorite Mother/Daughter bonding experience!




You Deserve the MOST!

Whatever it is, I will try to make your dream session a reality. From picking out the location to professional editing, I will make sure you have all the items necessary to have beautiful pictures to post and do other things with. I will work hard to give you the best quality photos!