Kindergarten Graduation Pictures at the Portland Public Library in Portland, Tennessee

This session with Sam was located at the Portland, Tennessee Public Library. Tip 1, the respectable thing to do when it comes to taking pictures in a public setting is to ask whoever is running the establishment to make sure it is okay to take pictures there and to make sure you do not get anyone who does not want to be in the pictures in any of the actual pictures. Tip 2 is know your camera and the camera settings. I have struggled a lot with taking pictures in dim locations with artificial light. I feel like they did come out a lot better than some of the pig shows I have taken pictures at. Sam is a great kid, but all kids have different individual personalities. This is why I was really lucky to have taught him swim lesson last summer, so I knew what he likes to talk about. This boy loves his books! I am very glad his mother and I decided this session was going to take place in the Portland Library. Tip 3, during the session, if the child or model is stiff, I have found it helps to be a little goofy and silly to help them relax. 

For more photography tips and location suggestions please follow me on my socials and keep checking back to the blog! If you know someone needing pictures taken, please send them my way. I would love to work with you all! Bye you guys!


Western Kentucky University Dairy Photoshoot with Cows!


Taking My Own Graduation Pictures at Middle Tennessee State University.