Taking Pictures of 4-H youth during the Middle Tennessee Swine Show Circuit.

Pig shows do hold a very near and dear spot in my heart. I love the sights, sounds, and smells, lol not pig poop, but the different sprays and conditioners. You will see me blog more in the future about different shows, but for now I will include a mass post about all the pigs shows I have done thus far. 

            My tip for any parent or kid growing up in the programs of 4-H or FFA is to have someone take pictures of you during the event. I do not have many pictures of myself showing livestock, because my parents and I were too busy getting ready and showing. We even got a camera specific for the shows, but my parents never did end up using it. I have three tips for you today. Tip 1 do not be afraid of getting dirty. You are at a pig show, so get on the ground and snap away. Tip 2, take a burst of pictures to get all 4 feet on the ground. I personally love actions shots, but there is a way to do them where they don’t look too bad. My examples I like to use is any kind of judging picture you see in magazines or websites. I hope that makes sense. You just want the pig not to look awkward. You want the pig to look their best then you can worry about the kid. Tip 3 do not be afraid to use different lenses to get different looking pictures. This will just add some different looks you your gallery. It will show that you do offer several different pictures that people are more likely to purchase. 

For more photography tips and location suggestions please follow me on my socials and keep checking back to the blog! If you know someone needing pictures taken at any kind of livestock show, please send them my way. I would love to work with you all! Bye you guys!


Jackson Family Session at My Family Farm in Westmoreland, Tennessee.


Nashville, Tennessee Tree Farm Surprise Engagement Photoshoot.